Orange Recipe: Peeled and peeled oranges and how much to eat? Make this verse with sweet lemon, it will stick in the mouth!

 Orange Recipe Homemade orange jelly made with lemon and sugar which can be included in children's daily food list without fear.

Store-bought jam or jelly no more! Now make children's favorite food jelly or jam by hand. Make fresh orange jelly at home! Without using any chemicals or harmful substances. Learn this recipe to make delicious jelly.

Sweet oranges are easily available at low prices in this winter season. If you know the recipe for making jelly, even the youngest members of the family are happy. Fresh jelly made in no time with oranges and sugar. A little more jelly can be made and kept for some time and eaten. Handmade bread for dinner at night. Again, this food is hassle-free and very suitable for breakfast or tiffin on bread. As it can be made in less time. Made with very few materials.

This jam or jelly is made from oranges and sugar. As well as the little ones, the big ones can be very popular. Food without any chemicals. It is also beneficial for the body. First, to make this jam, you have to choose several fresh mangoes. Then peel the lemon and separate one by one. Remove the thin layer and seeds from the koa. Care should be taken not to open or open the grain in any way.

Now grind the lemon well. Can be kneaded in a mixer. But it tastes better when done by hand. Now heat the water in the pot, pour the lemon juice and boil it for five to ten minutes on low flame. If you want to add a little color to the jelly, then the orange part of the lemon peel can be removed and refined. But you must be careful not to get the white part of the lemon peel.

Because the white part is bitter. For sweet lemons, about half as much sugar as lemons when they start to boil. And if the sweetness is less, the amount of sugar should be increased. After adding the sugar, stir well until the sugar dissolves and then take it off the pan.

When the jelly is cool, pour it into a glass jar or any container with a lid. This jelly can be kept for some time and consumed. Absolutely fresh without any chemicals. Home Remedies Orange Jelly which can be included in children's daily food list without fear. 


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