Medicinal Plant: Fruit in hand! Instantly disappear 'pain'! The leaves of 'this' tree next to the house are 'resistant' to the knot.

 Medicinal Plant: Arthritis and osteoarthritis problems increase in people over 45 years of age during the cold season.  Due to which people face problems in walking.

The severity of severe winter is increasing.  And at this time, the pain in the legs is also increasing.  Especially joint pain.  In some cases, the knee also swells again.  As a result, knee pain is also overcome. 

The report is going to be very useful.  In fact, you don't even need to take medicine for this pain.  A simple trick will solve the problem.

Ritesh Mishra, Ayurvedacharya of Ayuroga Research Foundation of Simrahi Nagar Panchayat Ward No. 8 in neighboring state Bihar, said that the effect of gout increases during the winter season.

As a result, the pain in the joints increases.  Sometimes gout patients have swollen knees.  As a result, the pain becomes unbearable.  But a tree leaf can get rid of this problem.

Ritesh says that arthritis and osteoarthritis problems increase in people over 45 during the cold season.  Due to which people face problems in walking.  Redi leaves can be a good medicine in this situation.

Redi is also called Eranda and Verenda.  And best of all, the plant is quite readily available.  Redi or Veranda trees can be seen around our house.

But how will this plant relieve the pain of knots?  Let's find out from expert Ayurvedacharya. According to Ritesh Mishra, you will need pure mustard oil along with reedi leaves to get rid of pain.

To make this totka, mustard oil should be heated to boiling point.  And it should be rubbed on the leaves of the redi tree.  Now that warm oiled leaf should be tied with a cotton cloth to the swollen or painful area.

Applying this medicine in the morning and evening will relieve the pain.  It quickly reduces pain and swelling.  Applying this remedy for a week or 2 weeks will relieve the pain.

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